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Being aware of driven causes requires the necessity to examine the factors behind the African environmental degradation and the one-health alteration

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Useful information

● The abstract of 350 words at a minimum and 500 words at a maximum should concisely summarize a new research work and cover one of the proposed forum tracks. Each author is authorized to submit two abstracts at a maximum.
● After the short abstract acceptance, authors may submit an extended version of their work. Extended abstracts, which are not mandatory, would be checked by the editorial team for plagiarism. Extended abstracts that are more than 30% plagiarized will be rejected. The length should be at most 5 Word pages, including figures, tables, and references.
● The extended abstracts will go through an iterative peer review process. Authors should revise and edit their manuscripts conformably to the reviewers' recommendations.
● A collection of well-created and original papers will be selected for possible submission to one of the forum-partnered journals.
● For the conference schedule, please see Important Dates

How to prepare a short abstract?

● The abstract should lie under the umbrella of the one-health topic and cover one of the proposed Forum Tracks .
● The abstract should be written in English and prepared using the 1st AFRO-EPH Abstract Template.
● All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the track chairs and some members of the Scientific Committee.
● Accepted abstracts will be shared through either a poster or an oral presentation. Oral presentations would be in-person or virtual, based on a PPT presentation of 15min. The authors of the posters will have the opportunity to give a brief oral presentation of their work in 2-3 min.
● At least one author of each accepted abstract must register before the registration deadline (10 October 2023) to guarantee inclusion in the final forum program (for more details, see Registration).

How to prepare an extended abstract?

● Extended abstract should lie under the umbrella of the one-health topic and cover one of the proposed Forum Tracks .
● The paper should be written in English and prepared using the 1st AFRO-EPH Extended Abstract Template.
● Figures and tables should be embedded and not supplied separately.
● All submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed by the track chairs and some members of the Scientific Committee.
● Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the 1st AFRO-EPH Proceeding Book.